產品編號 | EB-TTATPPR |
條碼 | 201001 |
作者 | Eve Hillary |
出版商 | Total Nutrition |
What factirs led to the largest, quickest and most comprehensive recall of health care products in world history?
What test results does the TGA offer regarding the harmful effects of the 1369 recalled products?
How many Autralian deaths can be linked to alternative health products such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs as compared to the third leading cause of death-inappropriate pharmaceutical drug treatments?
Why do some people question the TGA's motivation in issuing a Class 1 recall of products that they had either tested nor ever recieved a single complaint regarding their safety?
Why did the TGA insist that the recalled products be"immediately incinerated" and disposed of like toxic waste? What evidence might they be trying to bury?
Why has the TGA still not informed the public as to why their natural products were classified as being deadly, when no one had previously suffered adverse effects?
Why could the TGA claim to be" reviewing" and "monitoring" the effects of a drug released into the Australian market three years ago that has documented evidence of over 10,000 reports of adverse reactions and killing more than 245 people worldwide including 18 Australians, but demand 1,369 natural supplements be removed from the shelves regardless of their history of safety and benefit?
What is Codex? How will this well- kept international secret affect our health freedom?