產品編號 | 2-9807465-2-5 |
條碼 | 200932 |
作者 | Ghislaine Lanctot |
出版商 | Ghislaine Saint-pierre Lanctot |
國際書號 | 2-9807465-2-5 |
THE MEDICAL MAFIA! by Guylaine Lanctot
This stunning, easy-to-read book, by French-Canadian medical doctor, entrepreneur, and mother Dr. Guylaine Lanctot (pronounced "Ghee-Lane Lank-Toe") answers many questions such as:
.Why are certain illnesses untreatable?
.Why do some people always become ill and others never?
.Why do some people die from an illness and others recover?
.Why do medical costs continue to skyrocket? Who profits from this?
.Why are some doctors or therapists barred from practicing and others not?
.Why is treatment remunerated and not prevention?
.Why are people still dying of cancer after fifty years of intensive research at astronomical cost?
.Why is the public not properly informed about alternative medicines?
.Why is everyone so unhappy with the existing medical and hospital system?
.Why are there so many medical organizations and government medical agencies? Whose interest are they protecting?